2010: I can't get a new before I put. I only have 2 hands 1 heart.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010, has just passed. It is now being a past. All of it... PAST...
There are too many things to mention in 2010. Uncountable...
On my facebook profile, I posted this:
In 2010, for those who had wif me undergone hurt, laugh, cry, share, listen, talk, discuss, wisdom, regret, fun, great, mess, bad, hard, love, like, dislike, backstab, courage, help, enjoy, crazy, problems, failure, success, give up, give in & more & more, i would to say thank you very very much. Becos of u all, my life was fullfilled. No matter enemies or friends, I appreciate u all. See u next year!
My heart still here, although it has been incised deeply, but not whole.
Do someone knows, if you hurt someone, it is equal to hurt yourself?
But why we do hurt people? If it comes to a situation that hurting someone is a
better for both, it is good to do so, just for the sake of goodness.
"Hurt", is tearing hurting... "Hate", is freaking hating... and "Love", is utmost
loving... that is all i can say for my heart in 2010.
About "Love", I can't get a new before I put down all of it, because I only
possess 2 hands & 1 heart.